Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cyberfyber show

Well, the cards are up, so I had better post a blog! The cards are amazing. It is so long since I sent mine that I forgot what it was, but seeing is remembering.
Christmas day here on southern Vancouver Island, off the western Canadian coast, and we are having a very White Christmas indeed. So white that half my dinner guests last night decided to stay home, and there I was with food for an army! Fortunately friends with 2 small children had no power, so they mushed over. I have lived here all my life and remeber only a couple of snowy Christmases.
Santa, with a little prodding, gave me "The Painted Quilt" by the Kemshalls, Maggie Grey's latest and Julia Caprara's "Colour Explorations"- I can hardly wait to play.
I have been helping an 8 year old learn to sew, and she gave me a very pretty shopping bag made by her own fair hands. In secret. I am so pleased that she is interested. We are going to give the embellisher a try after the holiday.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Well, here I am, with a blog. time will tell if I use it!